Parish Giving

Please consider how you might support the mission and ministry of this parish. The church is a charity. It depends on the generosity of those who attend to keep it going and to pay for its running costs.

In order to make regular contributions to the Parish, please consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). A Direct Debit can be set up by following this link or by calling the dedicated hotline on 0333 002 1271, quoting our unique Parish Code (320 632 245) or by scanning the QR code with your mobile device . If you have any queries, please contact The Parish Giving Recorder, Claire Petevinos, by email:

Our parish budget includes the cost of running the parish and the running costs of each of the three churches. Most importantly, as a parish, we have a ministry and a mission. We have a ministry as a parish church to offer regular worship, to offer occasional offices of baptisms, marriages and funerals to the entire parish.


MIGHT YOU LEAVE A LEGACY IN YOUR WILL TO YOUR CHURCH?  We have a new legacy leaflet which provides some guidance if you might consider leaving a legacy to your church as part of your will. Leaflets are available via the Parish Office. Thank you for considering this.

Mission Action Plans

In addition, we have our Mission Action Plans (MAPS) in each of the three churches and for the parish. Our goal as parish is to be a lively community connecting with God’s love in new and creative ways. Our vision includes growing our congregations in faith and in their discipleship. We have a vision to grow our unity and shared ministry with our ecumenical friends and partners in the town. We have a vision to develop our youth work across the parish and in the town. We have a vision to develop new and creative ways to connect with people through social media and to use that media to share our faith. We have a vision to grow our churches by enhancing the welcome we offer to new comers, by offering creative alternative worship, and by offering creative events for people to connect with the life of our churches.

Committed giving is setting aside a portion of your income as one the first items on your budget, the first fruits. The Church of England, recommends that we give 5% of our net income as a starting figure. If everyone who could afford that did it, there would be no financial worries. We suggest for those who attend regularly that they consider giving at least £10 per week. But more important than the exact amount, if people give generously and sacrificially, then the financial need of the parish will be met.

If you do wish to give regularly, and if you are a UK taxpayer either by income or capital gains, then please gift aid as we can increase every pound you give by 25 pence. If you have any questions, do ask one of the members of the congregational giving committee.

Please prayerfully and thoughtfully consider what is appropriate for you and your situation. Whatever your situation please act on the three principles of Christian giving: 1) give because you are grateful to God, 2) give because you care, and 3) give because you are committed to God and to the mission and ministry of God shown through the church.”