St. Nicholas’ services
Extra detail, and potentially variations, for services in the near future may be found in the pew leaflet, which is circulated by email via the mailing list, and is available for downloading on our “What’s On” page.
Regular Sunday Services
8 a.m. | Holy Communion (said) |
9.30 a.m. | Sung Eucharist (with Sunday Club during school terms) |
11.30 a.m. | Morning Praise (with Toddler Corner available) Holy Communion last Sunday of month |
4.30 p.m. | Simply Worship On 1st Sunday in each month. alternates between Holy Communion and Service of the Word |
6.30 p.m. | Choral Evensong |
Weekday Services
Wednesday | 10:30 a.m. | Said Eucharist | |
Thursday | 9.00am | (apart from August) Morning Prayer- can be viewed on St. Nicholas’ Facebook Page | |
5 p.m. | (apart from August) Evening Prayer – can be viewed on St. Nicholas’ Facebook Page | ||
Saturday | 10:30 a.m. | Said Eucharist twice a month. The first Saturday in the month is Book of Common Prayer, with Common Worship used on the third Saturday |
All services are ‘Common Worship’ modern language except where indicated otherwise.
BCP = Book of Common Prayer Traditional Language.
8am Holy Communion
This is a quiet traditional language Common Worship said Holy Communion service with a sermon.
9.30am Sung Eucharist
This service is a formal but family-friendly Common Worship Holy Communion service with a sermon. There is a robed choir assisting with the music and who sing an anthem each week. The service runs for about 75 minutes. There is a crèche for the under fours and Sunday Club for primary school age children. Refreshments are served in the church hall after the service. Six times a year there is an all-age service when everyone is in church and brownies, beavers, cubs and scouts attend in uniform, and there is often an orchestra as well as the organ playing.
11.30am Morning Praise
This service takes the form of a lay led Service of the Word with a sermon. Sermons are given by a variety of people drawn from across the region. On the last Sunday of the month there is a Holy Communion service. Music is both traditional and contemporary led by organ and music group. The service runs for about 45-50 minutes. During the service there is a young children’s area in the Bell Tower for the under threes Refreshments are served in the church hall after the service.
4.30pm Simply Worship – first Sunday of each month
This is a simple informal service which alternates between Holy Communion one month and a Service of the Word the next month. It generally lasts for about 45 minutes with hymns and songs and a short talk on a theme for the day. Children are present for the whole service. There is a play area at the back of church for younger ones. If you would like to sign up to our Simply Worship mailing list please click here
6.30pm Evensong
This is a traditional Book of Common Prayer choral evensong with hymns and a sermon. The choir sing a setting of the canticles, the psalm and an anthem. It is a lovely reflective service in which the music plays a large part in enabling the worship. It lasts up to an hour.
10.30am Holy Communion
This is a said Common Worship service lasting for 40mins including a brief sermon. The congregation gathers in Cornelia’s for coffee afterwards.
10.30am Holy Communion
This is a said Common Worship service with either no sermon or a brief homily. On the first Saturday of the month it is a Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion service. The congregation gathers in Cornelia’s for coffee afterwards.