St. Mary’s Eco-Church
At St Marys we are participating in Eco Church: A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.
Their resources are designed to equip a church to express its care for God’s world in its worship and teaching; in how the church looks after its buildings and land; in how it engages with the local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of its congregation.
We want to be a church which cares for creation as an integral part of loving our neighbours and following God faithfully.
You can find out more about Eco church here: Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project
Please take a look at this wonderful water pump below; restored and renovated by Rob Hemmin to be part of our harvest display, it represents clean water for all and enough rain to water our crops; as we explore the theme of water. Our superb flower arranging team have put lots of thought into all of these windowsills to reflect our focus on Eco church: the areas where wild flowers were planted or encouraged to grow, to help our wildlife; the pollution of our seas, oceans and rivers; and the importance of our trees and woodland