Articles from the Parish (Blog)
most recent first … includes posts that relate to past events
Documents relating to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Responding to the Ukraine Crisis – The Diocese of St Albans & the Parish of Harpenden The Diocese of St
WORSHIPPING SAFELY in our THREE CHURCHES: As Covid restrictions are lifted, we hope people will feel safe returning to church.
THOMAS martyred in 72AD at Chennai India. Remains in St. Thomas. Church Orton -ItalyMATTHEW Stabbed in the back by an
All Saints' church hall was a hive of activity last Saturday when the church hosted the first Repair Fair organised
The Apostles Creed and the later Nicene Creed are two important documents of theological summary and history. Both creeds reveal
CORNELIA’S is delighted to announce that it is able to distribute £6,000 to thefollowing charities. This is a fantastic amount
Sermon – St Marys - HarvestReadings: Joel 2:21-27, Matthew 6:25-33 Have you noticed this wonderful water pump? Restored and renovated