Bon voyage Dennis!

Over forty parishioners from Harpenden attended the ‘Service of Licensing’ for Dennis Stamps as Associate Vicar of the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, at St Peter’s Church, Filkins, on Tuesday 23rd July 2024.  This followed Dennis’ retirement as our very popular Rector and the marvellous send-off for him at St. Nicholas’ on June 9th

The service at St. Peter’s took place on a warm and sunny evening.  Both the church and the village of Filkins looked glorious, in their Cotswold-style, and we were made to feel most welcome by our hosts.  Members of our choir attended and, led by Marie Price, sang ‘We Praise Thee O God (Te Deum)’ by CV Stanford.  The service was led by the Bishop of Dorchester. 

We offer our prayers and best wishes to Dennis and Helen as they settle in to their new Parish in the Diocese of Oxford.

Farewell to Dennis

Sunday 9th June 2024 was a marvellous celebration of Dennis’ time as our Rector.  The Parish came together to create a memorable send-off and so many people came and contributed to the special day.  It was a fitting tribute to Dennis’ wonderful leadership with us. The morning joint All-Parish Service at St. Nicholas’ Church was exceptional, and weaved together so many different styles of worship. The Church was full, the volume high and the warmth palpable. The afternoon Farewell Tea Party was very well attended, with cream teas, cakes, tea, music, crafts and presentations of cards, gifts and many warm words of thanks to Dennis and Helen.

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All Saints’ Church

We have an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

All Saints’ Church has long cherished its well-deserved reputation for friendliness, and we would love to welcome you into our fellowship. We are small enough that you can get to know most of our members, and large enough to have plenty going on.

Patterns of Worship

Full details of our worship patterns are given in our Services page.

Read more about our Associate Vicar, Revd James Brown, on our Clergy and Leadership page

We are currently meeting for worship at 10am every Sunday, alternating between Communion and a more informal Morning Worship. You are welcome equally to join us in church or live on Zoom (joining details in weekly emails to members or from our Associate Vicar).

If you are planning to visit, please take a look here

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All Saints Clergy and Leadership

Revd. James Brown joined us in the Autumn of 2020 with a specific mandate to grow the church in new ways.

He has impressed us with his personal touch, his thoughtful preaching and his media skills. You can sample his work, involving many church members, on our YouTube channel.

In addition, he has a keen interest in music, and in sustainability.

You can contact him at or 01582 363789.

There is a Lay Reader (lay minister) based mainly at All Saints, but who also works across the parish, and a retired Anglican minister who is a church member and assists from time to time.

An episcopally mandated Lay Ministry Team assists and advises the Associate Vicar in the planning and delivery of worship, pastoral care and other aspects of ministry

Three district wardens are responsible for administration and organisation.

The District Church Council (DCC) meets regularly and is the governing body under James’ leadership. The committee also has representatives on the Parochial Church Council and Deanery Synod.

Over the years, at least six church members or former members have entered the ordained ministry, and others have become lay readers.

St. Mary’s Ministry Team

The Associate Vicar at St Mary’s Church is the Rev’d Sally Goodson.
The Rev’d Professor Nicolas Goulding is an Associate Priest.
Jenny Goulding and Hilary Pask are Readers (lay ministers) who are based mainly at St. Mary’s. We also have two lay leaders of worship.

St. Mary’s Clergy and leaders – Nina, Jenny, Nick, Hilary, Richard and Sally

Two district wardens help with administration and organisation – at present these are Helen Champion and Lynn Whitwam.
A district church committee (DCC) meets regularly. The committee also has representatives on the Parochial Church Council.

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