This Week

(see here for future events)

Sunday 15 September 2024

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

Services in the Parish

Holy Communion at St Nicholas’

President & Preacher – Revd Cath Rindl
Family Communion with Holy Baptism at St Nicholas’

President & Preacher – Revd Cath Rindl; Tobias Lancelot Jefferson to be baptised
This service will be live streamed on Facebook (or available as a recorded service afterwards)
You can join by telephone: 02034815240, enter ID#: 81402722773, followed by # (no password needed).
Family Communion at St Mary’s

President – Revd Sally Goodson; Preacher – Nina Featherstone
Live-streamed on
All Age Worship at All Saints’

Led by Pauline Gilbert & Peter Barlow
Zoom details available in the weekly email sending the pew leaflet or by request from
Café Church in St Nicholas’ Church Hall:
Liz de Jong
Holy Baptism at St Nicholas’
Simply Worship at St Mary’s with speaker from STEP
Choral Evensong at St Nicholas’

All Saints’ Services


10am: The Sunday morning service alternates between Holy Communion and a more informal Morning Worship.

Music is provided by one of our two classically trained pianists and includes the best of both traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs.

Morning Worship is often led by a lay member of the church, and in all our services we strive to engage the children in reading etc.

During term time, the children and teenagers go to the hall for their separate activities in several age-related groups. At other times, worksheets are sent out by email for them to complete during the service. In both cases, a highlight of the service is towards the end when they are encouraged to share their work with the whole congregation.

You can join the service either in person in the church building or online (joining details are emailed to church members or may be obtained from our Associate Vicar or a church member to whom you are known)

Our innovative use of Zoom allows online participants to engage on an equal basis by offering a reading or intercessions, and for children to show their work, displayed on the screen for the church congregation.

Post-Pandemic Sundays

For the time being (Autumn 2021) and whilst the shadow of Covid and its variants still hang over us we are continuing the pattern or worship above established at the start of the pandemic with the flexibility to worship online or in person however people feel most comfortable.

Discussions are underway for the longer term as to whether we continue with one service or revert to the pre-pandemic pattern of separate communion and more informal services. Whilst we have greatly appreciated meeting together as one congregation and the sense of unity that has brought, we also know that people meet with God in different ways and want to encourage spiritual health in all our members.

Looking ahead

Please note that within the week of any given event, it’s best to check the pew leaflet for any changes to the event.

This page is mostly filled up when it’s getting close to a major festival.