Prayers of Love and Faith for same-sex couples

The Parish of Harpenden (All Saints’, St Mary’s, and St Nicholas’) is pleased to welcome the Prayers of Love and Faith for same-sex couples.  All the clergy in our parish are happy to provide such prayers within a service upon request.  The PCC has unanimously endorsed this decision of the clergy and the use of the newly commended Prayers for Love and Faith.  As a parish we are committed to being an inclusive church, called to be caring, loving and welcoming to all.  Please contact the Parish Office (01582 765524) if we can assist.

About the Parish


Our mission is to build connections, encourage belonging,
and share an appealing faith that grows a vibrant Christian community at every stage of life.
We are an inclusive parish.

If we can assist you in your faith journey, please contact one of the clergy or the parish office.’

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