All Saints Pastoral Care

We ensure that All Saints people are all members of a supportive group which can vary from Women’s Fellowship or a House Group to the Cleaning Team or one of the other many groups running in the District. The Pastoral Team provide a valuable link between those needing support and others in the congregation able to give it. The Team also advise clergy and together they oversee pastoral visiting and offer Home communion.

St. Mary’s Pastoral Care

Pastoral care for our congregation has developed over recent years and members are very supportive of each other. A pastoral care coordinator provides a valuable link between those needing support and others in the congregation able to give it. Rotas have been arranged for those who need help with shopping or transport. A Pastoral Team of six members, who have received training, visit people in need in the community, led and overseen by the Associate Vicar. If people would like to be visited, or know of people in our neighbourhood who need some help, please contact the Associate Vicar.

St. Nicholas Pastoral Visiting Team

The Pastoral Visiting Team

The purpose of this team is to offer welcome, friendship and compassion as an active part of the ministry of everyone in the church.

We visit those who are new to the church family, also those who are housebound, in residential care or hospital temporarily or long-term.

We meet regularly together with the clergy to plan our visits, to pray and to encourage each other.

This is a quiet and confidential ministry.

If you know of someone who would appreciate a visit, please contact the team via the parish office