Bon voyage Dennis!

Over forty parishioners from Harpenden attended the ‘Service of Licensing’ for Dennis Stamps as Associate Vicar of the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, at St Peter’s Church, Filkins, on Tuesday 23rd July 2024.  This followed Dennis’ retirement as our very popular Rector and the marvellous send-off for him at St. Nicholas’ on June 9th

The service at St. Peter’s took place on a warm and sunny evening.  Both the church and the village of Filkins looked glorious, in their Cotswold-style, and we were made to feel most welcome by our hosts.  Members of our choir attended and, led by Marie Price, sang ‘We Praise Thee O God (Te Deum)’ by CV Stanford.  The service was led by the Bishop of Dorchester. 

We offer our prayers and best wishes to Dennis and Helen as they settle in to their new Parish in the Diocese of Oxford.

Holy Week Services across the Parish

Monday 25
9.15am Morning Prayer at All Saints’
8.00pm Holy Week Compline at St Nicholas’ – see Parish Notices
Tuesday 26
9.00am Morning Prayer at St Mary’s
8.00pm Holy Week Compline at St Nicholas’ – see Parish Notices
Lived streamed on St Nicholas’ Facebook page
10.00am Holy Communion at St Mary’s
Wednesday 27
9.00am Morning Prayer at All Saints’
10.30am Holy Communion at St Nicholas’
8.00pm Holy Week Compline at St Nicholas’ – see Parish Notices
Thursday 28 Maundy Thursday
9.00am Morning Prayer at St Nicholas’
2.15pm Mothers’ Union in Cornelia’s: Meditation for Maundy Thursday – Revd Sally
Goodson. All welcome even if you are not an MU member
7.30pm Shared meal and Holy Communion in All Saints’ Hall followed by stripping
of the altar and (optional) silent vigil until 10.30pm in church
8.00pm Holy Communion with Stripping of the Altar and Vigil at St Mary’s
8.00pm Holy Communion at High Street Methodist Church with St Nicholas’ Church
followed by Stripping of the Altars at St Nicholas’ Church with Vigil from
9.30pm ‘til midnight

Friday 29 Good Friday
9.00am Stations of the Cross at St Mary’s
10.00am Outdoor Service at All Saints’ (in church if wet) followed by procession to
the green to erect a cross and then to Batford Methodist for hot cross buns
10.30am Walk of Witness from entrance of Rothamsted Park to Church Green with
service on the green. Refreshments in St Nicholas’ Hall after the service
12noon Liturgy of the Cross in St Nicholas’ Church. Lived streamed on St Nicholas’
Facebook page
Saturday 30
10.00am Family Event at High Street Methodist Church – see Parish Notices
10am-12noon St Nicholas’ Church will be open for anyone who wishes to visit / pray
Sunday 31 March – Easter Day
6.00am Sunrise Service with First Communion of Easter, starting in All
Saints’ Church Garden, then moving into Church. Followed by breakfast.
President – Revd James Brown
8.00am BCP Holy Communion with hymns at St Nicholas’
President & Preacher – Revd Canon Dennis Stamps
9.30am Sung Eucharist with Service of Light at St Nicholas’
President – Revd Canon Dennis Stamps
This service will be live streamed on Facebook (or available as a recorded
service afterwards) You can also join by telephone: 02034815240, enter
ID#: 81402722773, followed by # (no password needed).
9.30am Family Communion with lighting of Easter Candle at St Mary’s
President & Preacher – Revd Sally Goodson
Live-streamed on
10.00am Family Communion at All Saints’ and on Zoom
President – Revd James Brown; Preacher – Tony Gilbert
Zoom details available in the weekly email sending the pew leaflet or by
request from
11.30am Morning Praise with Holy Communion at St Nicholas’
Leader – Chris Powell; President & Preacher – Revd Cath Rindl
Prayer Ministry will be available at this service
Readings Isaiah 25.6-9 Acts 10.34-43 Mark 16.1-8