Azalea means beautiful and dignified in ancient Greek and its mission is to empower and facilitate sustainable transformation in the lives of the men, women and neighbourhoods impacted by sex trafficking through several different projects. Sex trafficking is when an individual is coerced, forced, or manipulated into providing sexual access or services to a ‘punter’ often through threats of, or acts of, violence from a perpetrator. So what work does Azalea do?
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Join a Course run by Harpenden Learning for Leisure (HLfL)
If you are interested in the world, keen to keep your brain active and want to participate in an activity with like minded people then an HLfL course may just be what you are looking for.
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At St Marys we are participating in Eco Church: A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.
Their resources are designed to equip a church to express its care for God’s world in its worship and teaching; in how the church looks after its buildings and land; in how it engages with the local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of its congregation.
We want to be a church which cares for creation as an integral part of loving our neighbours and following God faithfully.
You can find out more about Eco church here: Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project
Please take a look at this wonderful water pump below; restored and renovated by Rob Hemmin to be part of our harvest display, it represents clean water for all and enough rain to water our crops; as we explore the theme of water. Our superb flower arranging team have put lots of thought into all of these windowsills to reflect our focus on Eco church: the areas where wild flowers were planted or encouraged to grow, to help our wildlife; the pollution of our seas, oceans and rivers; and the importance of our trees and woodland