Prayers of Love and Faith for same-sex couples

The Parish of Harpenden (All Saints’, St Mary’s, and St Nicholas’) is pleased to welcome the Prayers of Love and Faith for same-sex couples.  All the clergy in our parish are happy to provide such prayers within a service upon request.  The PCC has unanimously endorsed this decision of the clergy and the use of the newly commended Prayers for Love and Faith.  As a parish we are committed to being an inclusive church, called to be caring, loving and welcoming to all.  Please contact the Parish Office (01582 765524) if we can assist.

St Mary’s Bug Church

St Marys bug church was filled up with twigs, leaves and other materials at our outdoor Simply Worship service. We found some caterpillars, and moved one into the bug church complete with his favourite leaves!

We added the Please and Thank you prayers to the prayer board in church. We are proud to have received our Eco Church silver award.

Thanks from Arrata

Dear friends, the team at Aratta, and all those they support, in Chernihiv and Chernihiv Oblast in the North of Ukraine, would like to send you their most grateful and sincere thanks for your donations. We are currently distributing the aid, sent via Tony and Philip at British Humanitarian Aid, to those with the greatest needs; over 80 yrs, severely handicapped, displaced persons and those with damaged homes are all included. The queues are starting to form at 8am, though we only open at 10am. Many are desperate for help as there is little or no state support available.

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The Apostles Creed and the later Nicene Creed are two important documents of theological summary and history. Both creeds reveal historic Christian assumptions about  who God is, and what is God doing. However there are aspects of the creeds that should be examined to help to define the difference in meaning of the names Jesus and Christ.

Apostles Creed.  –  “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy  Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell…”

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Parish Giving

Please consider how you might support the mission and ministry of this parish. The church is a charity. It depends on the generosity of those who attend to keep it going and to pay for its running costs.

In order to make regular contributions to the Parish, please consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). A Direct Debit can be set up by following this link or by calling the dedicated hotline on 0333 002 1271, quoting our unique Parish Code (320 632 245) or by scanning the QR code with your mobile device . If you have any queries, please contact The Parish Giving Recorder, Claire Petevinos, by email:

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All Saints’ Church

We have an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

All Saints’ Church has long cherished its well-deserved reputation for friendliness, and we would love to welcome you into our fellowship. We are small enough that you can get to know most of our members, and large enough to have plenty going on.

Patterns of Worship

Full details of our worship patterns are given in our Services page.

Read more about our Associate Vicar, Revd James Brown, on our Clergy and Leadership page

We are currently meeting for worship at 10am every Sunday, alternating between Communion and a more informal Morning Worship. You are welcome equally to join us in church or live on Zoom (joining details in weekly emails to members or from our Associate Vicar).

If you are planning to visit, please take a look here

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St. Mary’s Pastoral Care

Pastoral care for our congregation has developed over recent years and members are very supportive of each other. A pastoral care coordinator provides a valuable link between those needing support and others in the congregation able to give it. Rotas have been arranged for those who need help with shopping or transport. A Pastoral Team of six members, who have received training, visit people in need in the community, led and overseen by the Associate Vicar. If people would like to be visited, or know of people in our neighbourhood who need some help, please contact the Associate Vicar.

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