St. Mary’s Bible Study Group

Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) notes are available to order for private use at home. These include a daily passage from the bible to read with a reflection and prayer.

On the last Friday afternoon of each month a small group gather at St. Mary’s for an informal discussion based on their readings .

If you would like to order BRF Notes and/or join this monthly group please contact Rev’d Sally Goodson. (

Occasional Study Courses.

Other courses run on a more occasional basis and include Christian basics courses using Emmaus, Alpha or Pilgrim material, especially suited for those enquiring about the Christian faith or new to the Christian journey. Some of these courses are run ecumenically with other churches in Harpenden. Enquiries via the parish office.

From time to time we also run courses and one off study talks or workshop days about a variety of topics which seek to deepen faith and equip us as Christ’s disciples to more fully live out our calling in the world. These teaching sessions may be on matters of church life and doctrine (eg St Paul, the liturgical year), or on aspects of spirituality (eg ways to pray), or on more practical aspects of serving in the church (eg pastoral care).