Thanks from Arrata

Dear friends, the team at Aratta, and all those they support, in Chernihiv and Chernihiv Oblast in the North of Ukraine, would like to send you their most grateful and sincere thanks for your donations. We are currently distributing the aid, sent via Tony and Philip at British Humanitarian Aid, to those with the greatest needs; over 80 yrs, severely handicapped, displaced persons and those with damaged homes are all included. The queues are starting to form at 8am, though we only open at 10am. Many are desperate for help as there is little or no state support available.

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Harpenden Learning for Leisure

Join a Course run by Harpenden Learning for Leisure (HLfL)
If you are interested in the world, keen to keep your brain active and want to participate in an activity with like minded people then an HLfL course may just be what you are looking for.

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The Parish’s Practical Response to the Ukraine Crisis

Responding to the Ukraine Crisis – The Diocese of St Albans & the Parish of Harpenden

The Diocese of St Albans is taking steps to provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees.  Luton Airport is an important arrival point for many of these refugees. The crisis of refugees while immediate will also be for some time to come.

This leaflet sets out the diocesan scheme and how our Parish plans to support it. 

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As Covid restrictions are lifted, we hope people will feel safe returning to church. Covid has not gone away, but we are learning to live with it. We still encourage people coming to church to wear face masks and to maintain sensible spacing to protect others around them as we worship together. Hand sanitiser is available as well. We offer Holy Communion in as safe a way as possible. Our online service streaming will continue for those joining from home.

Cornelia’s gives £6000 to charities

CORNELIA’S is delighted to announce that it is able to distribute £6,000 to the
following charities. This is a fantastic amount which will hopefully be well received by
the charities. A huge thank you to all customers and volunteers.
• £500 Citizen’s Advice Bureau (Harpenden)
• £1,000 The 267 Project
• £500 JUMP
• £500 STEP
• £1,000 Open Door (St Albans)
• £500 Orphans Know More
• £500 Rennie Grove Hospice
• £1,000 MIND in Mid Herts
• £500 Mercy Ships

Harpenden Child Contact Centre

Without the services of Harpenden Child Contact Centre, many separated families would be unable to meet their children after a relationship breakdown.  So local volunteers were delighted to meet Hitchin and Harpenden MP, Bim Afolami, when he dropped in at one of their fortnightly sessions at All Saints’ Church Hall in Harpenden recently.

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All Saints’ Church

We have an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

All Saints’ Church has long cherished its well-deserved reputation for friendliness, and we would love to welcome you into our fellowship. We are small enough that you can get to know most of our members, and large enough to have plenty going on.

Patterns of Worship

Full details of our worship patterns are given in our Services page.

Read more about our Associate Vicar, Revd James Brown, on our Clergy and Leadership page

We are currently meeting for worship at 10am every Sunday, alternating between Communion and a more informal Morning Worship. You are welcome equally to join us in church or live on Zoom (joining details in weekly emails to members or from our Associate Vicar).

If you are planning to visit, please take a look here

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